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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002001HTML & PERLFeature Requestpublic2012-10-28 07:13
ReporterPsycho Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0002001: New group-based anime notification type
DescriptionCurrently group anime notifications are triggered for a user whenever a group uploads/registers a new file and the user has already added files from the group to her/his mylist for any particular anime[1].

I'd like to be able to receive notifications of new files from a particular group (*maybe* groups) but without adding group specific files to my mylist.

My reason is that I don't use AniDB clients to maintain my mylist. When I complete an anime I simply add files to my mylist using the "Have you seen this anime, Yes, up through episode" thingy[2] at the bottom of every entry. This adds generic files to my mylist so I can't use the default group notification type.

I understand that I should use the AniDB client but using it would be too much hassle (more hassle than receiving multiple notifications for an anime from every group subbing it).

I didn't see the code behind this function (your SVN is unreachable[3] - at least through this address) but I propose the following.

Extend/rework the notification type thingy[4] so that it would contain the following:

all | new | mylist | group | complete

The mylist item would take the role of the current group notification type and the group item would activate the new feature. When the group item is selected a new column with checkboxes would appear on the left or right side of the group status thingy[4] where one could select which groups to receive notifications from. If none of the checkboxes are checked then the feature would be ignored and the new or mylist item would take effect instead.

I imagine that there is a table where per-user notification settings are stored for anime entries. I believe the notification type value is stored as a number (maybe an enum), so the new type information could be saved. The list of selected groups would require either a new table (which tables' every entry would contain a group id and a foreign key to a per-user notification record id) or new column (which would contain comma-separated group ids).

The routine which sends notifications based on the per-user notification settings would require to be extended also. I really don't know how this works but I guess the logic which sends notifications if the new item is the active notification type selected could be extended to use the aforementioned group ids: it would only generate a notification for new files from groups present in the list of ids.

Is this proposal worthwhile or interesting enough to consider? I can probably implement this feature myself but if nobody's interested in it I'd rather not even start working on it (although as I mentioned before I couldn't get a glimpse of the code yet so I couldn't start working on it even if I'd be willing to).

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-10-28 07:10 Psycho New Issue