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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002675HTML & PERLBug Report - Interfacepublic2016-10-16 23:44
ReporterHinoe Assigned ToDerIdiot  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version2016-11 
Summary0002675: Calendar wrongly showing shows as "ending" on the subsequent season

"Anime ending in Autumn 2016"

Look at all those single-cour summer anime (or double-cour spring anime, etc) being listed just because they end on 2016.09.2X or 2016.10.01. That's clearly wrong behavior.
Additional InformationThis might not be terribly useful, but I did some thinking in hopes that I can help you find a good solution.

I considered a q&d hack that might improve the behavior on the ending mode, namely to move the calendar's understanding of the seasons for the ending mode a bit, so that a show that ends on xxxx.10.01 is shown as ending in the summer season, etc. The problem is that the other modes will surely choke on that.

For example, is manually set to summer and appears in summer in the starting mode, but appears in autumn in the ending mode; if such a change was implemented and the show hadn't been manually set to autumn, it would start in autumn 2016 and end in summer 2016 (time travel!).

There are ways to mitigate the shortcomings of the q&d hack, of course; for example, I suppose you could try tying the end season to the start season if the difference between start and end dates is under a specific threshold. Still, this sounds like we'd be doing it wrong, and there's also the newly-inaugurated airing mode to consider.

The way I feel that every attempt to fix this issue through this sort of hack breaks something else honestly creeps me out, and the harder I look, the more this seems like a rehash of the problem that led to the introduction of the startyear and season fields on animetb. Maybe the only real solution is to introduce endyear and endseason fields as well?
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2016-10-16 23:44

administrator   ~0003889

well autumn begins on the 22th of september. so it's not wrong. but i can see what you mean. i tinkered with it a bit, but that's Q&D tinkering and is likely to break on some bits

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-10-16 20:54 Hinoe New Issue
2016-10-16 23:44 DerIdiot Assigned To => DerIdiot
2016-10-16 23:44 DerIdiot Status new => resolved
2016-10-16 23:44 DerIdiot Resolution open => fixed
2016-10-16 23:44 DerIdiot Fixed in Version => 2016-11
2016-10-16 23:44 DerIdiot Note Added: 0003889