Description | From , it is currently impossible to tell most relevant file- or stream- level information: version, resolution, language, codecs, etc. It is necessary to open each individual file page, which is bothersome and can be especially painful under some circumstances. If you include the data bits and presentation from instead, that improves the situation dramatically, but then the latter page becomes rather redundant. Indeed, the very idea of having the two separate pages for that function has always seemed a bit odd to me. Perhaps they should be integrated?
It would probably work out well if show=mynotifies&show.nhist=1 was made to display all the information from show=notify&showanime=1 , and then the latter could probably be trashed. New notifies could probably be shown with &new=1, both new and old notifications could be filtered by priority with the &pri=0 / &pri=1 / &pri=2 parameter, as is currently done with show=notify&showanime=1. |