Released 2018-08-31
0002816: [Bug Report] Massadd Episodes: system ignores "perfect" entries on massadd/edit titles upon one "imperfect" title (DerIdiot)
0003128: [Feature Request] Massadd Episodes: reordering episodes for normal users (DerIdiot)
0003202: [Bug Report - Interface] Massadd Episodes: order of language select is random (DerIdiot)
0003246: [Feature Request - Database] Resources: Add Amazon Prime (DerIdiot)
0003233: [Bug Report - Interface] MyNotifications: massupdates only update every 2nd entry (DerIdiot)
0003244: [Feature Request - Interface] Filter: add filter for buddy mylist state (DerIdiot)
0003238: [Bug Report - Interface] MyList: Line breaks in notes turn into
0002995: [Bug Report] Creq: line breaks on creq edit comments turn into textual HTML br tags. (DerIdiot)
0003220: [Feature Request - Interface] Resources: change some more resources to HTTPS (DerIdiot)
0003241: [Bug Report - Interface] Creq: Incorrect related entry link for episode creqs created through the new episode massadd in listings (DerIdiot)
0001865: [Bug Report - Database] Massadd Episodes Mass language change for titles (DerIdiot)
0001810: [Feature Request - Misc] Massadd Episodes Error on Page gives Unhelpful Error Message (DerIdiot)
0001452: [Feature Request - Interface] Massadd Episodes add creqcomment field (DerIdiot)
0001809: [Bug Report - Interface] Massadd Episodes trying to add a new ep before the last ep in the related ep type crash anidb (DerIdiot)
14 issues View Issues